Words cannot explain how long and how much I've wanted to represent Newton Running!! There have been soo many reasons, and good ones at that, of why it has been such a tough situation for a small, yet growing company to sponsor Elite Runners. But since the moment I tried them on, I knew that the shoes and the premise behind them, (natural midfoot/forefoot running) would continue to catch on in the world of road and trail racing! For the last 3 years I thought if only I could be patient yet persistent, ...very persistent, something would pop up? And thankfully it did!!!
I am so honored to now be a part of Team Alchemy, an elite Colorado-based running group supported by Newton Running. Its is made up of an unbelievable mix of runners of all ages and specialties who race at an elite level. To be part of their group as a satellite athlete in Charlotte, is such a great boost for my career and is a huge answer to prayer, as I transition into being primarily a Road Racer in 2012.
Most people who know me, know that running and competition may be a big part of my life, but that it is not my WHOLE life. I think this aspect of an individual goes hand in hand with the mission of Team Alchemy. Sure,... I desire to do well and be the best athlete that God created me to be, but there are many other aspects of my life that I want to continue to pursue. I like how it says in the mission of Team Alchemy that "the true test of an athlete is their dedication not only to their sport, but also to their profession, family and community." Recently I have had the opportunity to devote more of my life to training and resting. I am enjoying it and seeing good results, ....but I know it's only for a season. The most IMPORTANT things for me even during this crazy stage in my life, are my relationships to God and people.
With all that said, I do have a lot coming up in the next few months regarding running, and I want to be prepared!!:)
Some of my main focuses are the NYC Half -Marathon on March 18thand also the Olympic Trials on the track in June. Today I ran in the USATF South Carolina Reedy River 10k Championship and it was a chance to learn a couple of "painful lessons" as my new teammate Kara Henry put it in her last blog:)

We didn't think I was going to feel totally fantastic, as I've been putting in a lot of miles to get ready for the NYC half-marathon. However, you never know how you will feel on any given day in this sport, which is why I think racing is such a cool endeavor! You can constantly learn and experiment with things even as an elite or experienced runner.
It was a muggy but overall nice day in Greenville, SC and Sara Porter and I ran at a pretty solid 5:25 pace for the first 3 miles or so. We both slowed a bit going up the hillier miles and she pushed through after about 5 to take the lead and keep it. The fatigue in my legs and steep hills put a dent in my usual more chipper form, so I had to settle for second, or bust! Not a good feeling! Thankfully, Sarah is a very accomplished and talented runner, who happens to run for a very accomplished and talented group in Zap Elite:).... so I didn't feel sooo bad about not winning, and was at least happy to win some money and use the race as a great workout for what lies ahead.
This verse in Phillipians always helps me to regain perspective after a tough race.
"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what's ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus!!"
phil. 3:14
I love this verse, because even when things don't always go exactly how we want while in pursuit of our goals, I believe that the main prize is to trust in God's will and His plan. Yes, ...I try to be proactive and do everything I can in the natural to accomplish my goals, but I believe that His perfect plan can be better than anything I desire on my own anyway! That may not make sense to everyone, and is obviously not something everyone believes in. But I guess to keep things from getting too deep, all I am trying to say is as an athlete you learn from your competitions, you move on, and you use every experience to get ready for the next! Thank goodness I don't have a 50 miler coming up like some of the members of Team Alchemy!
p.s.- official results and pictures coming!
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